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Geekiest photo ever!!!

Reviewing photos taken this year I found this weird thing… It was April 2011 when I flew into a rage to buy Apple's brand new 13” Mac Book Pro. My other laptop was about to die, it was my longest lasting computer, more than 6 years of hard work.

And suddenly I put them on the table, in order to compare the sizes. I put also the netbook and, being such a geek scene, also both plu computers I own, the Slug and the SheevaPlug.

Well then… There it is the family picture: all my owned working computers, one with Mac OS X, the rest with GNU/Linux (Ubuntu in the laptops, Debian in the plug computers). An image if UNIX/UNIX Like Victory!!

And due to the fact that all three laptops had X-Window System, I couldn't resist to launch xeyes, and try to make it seem that older ones were looking jealously to the new kid in town… (Oh, my God… This is certainly alarming…)

Posted 2011-09-13 21:20 · Oscar
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en/log/la_foto_mas_friki_de_la_historia.txt · Last modified: 2017-08-12 14:41 by Oscar

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